原文:Whiten/customize the background of images using Semantic Segmentation and Alpha Blending - 2019.12.26

作者:Shilpi Bhattacharyya

图:语义分割和 alpha blending 技术用于改变图像的背景.

图:使用语义分割和 alpha blending 的处理流程. 将背景区域像素值设为 0.


是否有使用 Photoshop 进行图像背景白化(whiten)和改变时抓狂的时候呢?有的话,请进入语义分割.

1. 语义分割

语义分割是一种将图像中每个像素进行归类的图像分析任务. 类似于人的方式,当人在看一幅图像时,知道图像的每个像素属于哪一类.

更多关于语义分割的资料,可参考:Image Segmentation - 2018.11.05

这里采用 DeepLabV3 进行语义分割,alpha blending 进行将原图融合到新背景.

图:输入图像采用 Deeplab 模型语义分割处理. 期望输出是,覆盖在输入图像上的语义标签. 语义分割模型关注与对图像中每个像素分配语义标签,如sky, person, car 等.

DeepLab 是 Google Brain 提出的语义分割结构,其是一种先进的语义分割深度学习模型. 其系列主要有:

  • DeepLabv1 - 采用 atrous conv 来显式地控制网络中所计算的特征图的分辨率;
  • DeepLabv2 - 采用 atrous spatial pyramid pooling(ASPP) 来鲁棒的分割物体,其在不同的采样率和有效接受野进行多尺度处理(using atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) to robustly segment objects at multiple scales with filters at multiple sampling rates and effective fields-of-views);
  • DeepLabv3 - 采用图像层(image-level)特征来增强 ASPP 模块,以捕获更大范围的特征. 此外,还包含 batch normalization 参数来提升模型训练. 具体来说,在训练和验证阶段,采用 atrous conv 提取不同输出步长(output strides)的输出特征,有效的增强了在步长=16 的 BN 训练,且验证阶段在步长=8时获得了更好的效果.

google - deeplab

2. 语义分割实现

2.1. 分割输出解码

函数:将 2D 分割图像转换为 RGB 图像,其中每一个标签被映射到对应的颜色.

import numpy as np

def decode_segmap(image, nc=21):
    label_colors = np.array([(0, 0, 0),  # 0=background
    # 1=aeroplane, 2=bicycle, 3=bird, 4=boat, 5=bottle
    (128, 0, 0), (0, 128, 0), (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 128), (128, 0, 128),
    # 6=bus, 7=car, 8=cat, 9=chair, 10=cow
    (0, 128, 128), (128, 128, 128), (64, 0, 0), (192, 0, 0), (64, 128, 0),
    # 11=dining table, 12=dog, 13=horse, 14=motorbike, 15=person
    (192, 128, 0), (64, 0, 128), (192, 0, 128), (64, 128, 128), (255, 255, 255),
    # 16=potted plant, 17=sheep, 18=sofa, 19=train, 20=tv/monitor
    (0, 64, 0), (128, 64, 0), (0, 192, 0), (128, 192, 0), (0, 64, 128)])
    r = np.zeros_like(image).astype(np.uint8)
    g = np.zeros_like(image).astype(np.uint8)
    b = np.zeros_like(image).astype(np.uint8)
    for l in range(0, nc):
        idx = image == l
        r[idx] = label_colors[l, 0]
        g[idx] = label_colors[l, 1]
        b[idx] = label_colors[l, 2]
        rgb = np.stack([r, g, b], axis=2)
    return rgb

2.2. 图像预处理与Forward

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torchvision.transforms as T
import torch
from PIL import Image

def segment(net, path, show_orig=True, dev='cuda'):
    img = Image.open(path)
    if show_orig: 
    # Comment the Resize and CenterCrop for better inference results
    trf = T.Compose([T.ToTensor(),
                     T.Normalize(mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
                                         std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])
    inp = trf(img).unsqueeze(0).to(dev)
    out = net.to(dev)(inp)['out']
    om = torch.argmax(out.squeeze(), dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy()
    rgb = decode_segmap(om)
    return rgb

2.3. 加载 deeplabv3_resnet101 模型

from torchvision import models
dlab = models.segmentation.deeplabv3_resnet101(pretrained=1).eval()

rgb=segment(dlab, '/path/to/test.jpg')
## If there are multiple labeled objects in the image, use the below code to have only the target as the foreground

3. 背景融合(Alpha blending)实现

Alpha blending 是将前景图像和透明图覆盖到背景图像上的处理. 透明图通常是图像的第四个通道(如,透明 PNG),但其也可以是单独的图像. 透明 mask 图也一般被称为 alpha mask 或 alpha matte.

Alpha blending 背后的数据原理是比较直接的,对于图像的每个像素,需要采用 alpha mask 将前景图像颜色和背景图像颜色组合在一起.

前景图像是原始图像,灰度 alpha mask 是有语义分割得到的结果,背景图像是需要更换的新的定制图像.

#alpha blending to customize the background of the image

# Read the images
foreground = cv2.imread("/path/to/foreground.jpg")
background = cv2.imread("/path/to/background.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
background = cv2.resize(background, (rgb.shape[1],rgb.shape[0]), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
alpha = rgb # 2.3

# Convert uint8 to float
foreground = foreground.astype(float)
background = background.astype(float)
# Normalize the alpha mask to keep intensity between 0 and 1
alpha = alpha.astype(float)/255
# Multiply the foreground with the alpha matte
foreground = cv2.multiply(alpha, foreground)
# Multiply the background with ( 1 - alpha )
background = cv2.multiply(1.0 - alpha, background)
# Add the masked foreground and background.
outImage = cv2.add(foreground, background)

# Display image
# Save/download image
cv2.imwrite('org_plus_cust_bkg_img.png' , outImage)


图:语义分割和 alpha blending 的背景替换结果

图:语义分割和 alpha blending 的处理过程

4. 背景白化(Whiten)

#whiten the background of the image
mask_out[rgb == 0] = 255

# Display the result
numpy_horizontal = np.hstack((img, mask_out))
numpy_horizontal_concat = np.concatenate((img, mask_out), axis=1)
# Save/download the resulting image



5. 背景模糊(Blur)

# Read the images
foreground = cv2.imread("/path/to/girl8.jpg")

# Create a Gaussian blur of kernel size 7 for the background image
blurredImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(foreground, (7,7), 0)
# Convert uint8 to float
foreground = foreground.astype(float)
blurredImage = blurredImage.astype(float)

# Create a binary mask of the RGB output map using the threshold value 0
th, alpha = cv2.threshold(np.array(rgb),0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

# Apply a slight blur to the mask to soften edges
alpha = cv2.GaussianBlur(alpha, (7,7),0)
# Normalize the alpha mask to keep intensity between 0 and 1
alpha = alpha.astype(float)/255
# Multiply the foreground with the alpha matte
foreground = cv2.multiply(alpha, foreground)
# Multiply the background with ( 1 - alpha )
background = cv2.multiply(1.0 - alpha, blurredImage)
# Add the masked foreground and background
outImage = cv2.add(foreground, background)

# Return a normalized output image for display
outImage= outImage
numpy_horizontal = np.hstack((img, outImage))
numpy_horizontal_concat = np.concatenate((img, outImage), axis=1)

# Display image
# Save/download the resulting image
cv2.imwrite('res.png' , numpy_horizontal_concat)



6. 背景灰度化(Grayscale)

# Load the foreground input image
foreground = cv2.imread("/path/to/woman-with-car.jpg")

# Resize image to match shape of R-band in RGB output map
foreground = cv2.resize(foreground, (rgb.shape[1],rgb.shape[0]), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
# Create a background image by copying foreground and converting into grayscale
background = cv2.cvtColor(foreground, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# convert single channel grayscale image to 3-channel grayscale image
background = cv2.cvtColor(background, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
# Convert uint8 to float
foreground = foreground.astype(float)
background = background.astype(float)
# Create a binary mask of the RGB output map using the threshold value 0
th, alpha = cv2.threshold(np.array(rgb),0,255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# Apply a slight blur to the mask to soften edges
alpha = cv2.GaussianBlur(alpha, (7,7),0)
# Normalize the alpha mask to keep intensity between 0 and 1
alpha = alpha.astype(float)/255
# Multiply the foreground with the alpha matte
foreground = cv2.multiply(alpha, foreground)
# Multiply the background with ( 1 - alpha )
background = cv2.multiply(1.0 - alpha, background)
# Add the masked foreground and background
outImage = cv2.add(foreground, background)
numpy_horizontal = np.hstack((img, outImage))
numpy_horizontal_concat = np.concatenate((img, outImage), axis=1)

# Display image
# Save image
cv2.imwrite('res.png' , numpy_horizontal_concat)





  1. Alpha Blending — https://www.learnopencv.com/alpha-blending-using-opencv-cpp-python/
  2. Semantic Segmentation — https://www.learnopencv.com/pytorch-for-beginners-semantic-segmentation-using-torchvision/
  3. DeepLab — https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/deeplab
  4. https://www.learnopencv.com/applications-of-foreground-background-separation-with-semantic-segmentation/
Last modification:September 17th, 2020 at 01:27 pm