TensorFlow 提供的 TF-Slim 提供了数据处理的相关API - TF-Slim Data.

TF-Slim 提供数据加载库,用于不同格式数据的读取.
TF-Slim Data 模块由几个抽象层构成,支持多种文件存储类型,如 TF-Records,Text files,以及数据编码(data encoding),特征命名方案(features naming schemes)等,具有较好的灵活性.


  • [1] - 数据表示的说明,以便于读取和解释;
  • [2] - 提供数据到数据集的使用者的指导.


<h2>1. 数据集说明</h2>

TF-Slim 定义数据集为文件的集合(编码或者非编码的),表示样本的有限集,可以被读取,以提供预定义的元素集或 items.
例如,数据集可能保存为上千个文件,或单个文件. 文件内可能以整洁文本或其它高级编码的形式保存的数据. 也可能是单个 item,比如图片image,或多个 items,如图片image,类别标签label和场景标签.

更具体的来说,TF-Slim 的 dataset.py 提供的 Dataset 类,是一个数组,主要囊括以下关于数据集说明的部分:

  • data_sources - 组成数据集的文件路径列表
  • reader - 与 data_sources 中文件类型相对应的 TensorFlow Reader.
  • decoder - TF-Slim 的 data_decoder 类,用于解码读取的数据集文件内容.
  • num_samples - 数据集中样本数量.
  • items_to_descriptions - 数据集提供的 items 到每个 item 的描述的映射.

简单来说,数据集首先通过采用给定 reader 类打开 data_sources 内的文件;然后,采用给定 decoder 解码文件;最后,允许用户来请求 items 列表,并以 Tensors 形式返回.

Dataset 类:

"""Contains the definition of a Dataset.
A Dataset is a collection of several components: 
    (1) a list of data sources
    (2) a Reader class that can read those sources and returns possibly encoded samples of data 
    (3) a decoder that decodes each sample of data provided by the reader 
    (4) the total number of samples
    (5) an optional dictionary mapping the list of items returns to a description of those items.

Data can be loaded from a dataset specification using a dataset_data_provider:
  dataset = CreateMyDataset(...)
  provider = dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider(dataset, shuffle=False)
  image, label = provider.get(['image', 'label'])
See slim.data.dataset_data_provider for additional examples.

from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import print_function

class Dataset(object):
  """Represents a Dataset specification."""

  def __init__(self, data_sources, reader, decoder, num_samples,
               items_to_descriptions, **kwargs):
    """Initializes the dataset.
      data_sources: A list of files that make up the dataset.
      reader: The reader class, a subclass of BaseReader such as TextLineReader or TFRecordReader.
      decoder: An instance of a data_decoder.
      num_samples: The number of samples in the dataset.
      items_to_descriptions: A map from the items that the dataset provides to
        the descriptions of those items.
      **kwargs: Any remaining dataset-specific fields.
    kwargs['data_sources'] = data_sources
    kwargs['reader'] = reader
    kwargs['decoder'] = decoder
    kwargs['num_samples'] = num_samples
    kwargs['items_to_descriptions'] = items_to_descriptions

<h2>2. 数据解码 Data Decoders</h2>

data_decoder 是一个类,其给定某些数据(可能是序列化的或编码的),返回 Tensors 列表.
特别是,给定的数据解码器可以解码预定义的 items 列表,并返回其子集或者全部的结果.

# Load the data
my_encoded_data = ...
data_decoder = MyDataDecoder()

# Decode the inputs and labels:
decoded_input, decoded_labels = data_decoder.Decode(data, ['input', 'labels'])

# Decode just the inputs:
decoded_input = data_decoder.Decode(data, ['input'])

# Check which items a data decoder knows how to decode:
for item in data_decoder.list_items():


"""Contains helper functions and classes necessary for decoding data.
While data providers read data from disk, sstables or other formats, data
decoders decode the data (if necessary). 
A data decoder is provided with a serialized or encoded piece of data 
as well as a list of items and returns a set of tensors, 
each of which correspond to the requested list of items extracted from the data:
  def Decode(self, data, items):
For example, if data is a compressed map, the implementation might be:
  def Decode(self, data, items):
    decompressed_map = _Decompress(data)
    outputs = []
    for item in items:
    return outputs.

from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import print_function

import abc

class DataDecoder(object):
  """An abstract class which is used to decode data for a provider."""

  metaclass = abc.ABCMeta

  def decode(self, data, items):
    """Decodes the data to returns the tensors specified by the list of items.
      data: A possibly encoded data format.
      items: A list of strings, each of which indicate a particular data type.
      A list of Tensors, whose length matches the length of items, where
      each Tensor corresponds to each item.
      ValueError: If any of the items cannot be satisfied.

  def list_items(self):
    """Lists the names of the items that the decoder can decode.
      A list of string names.

<h2>3. 示例:TFExampleDecoder</h2>

tfexample_decoder.py 是解码序列化的 TFExample protocol buffers 的数据解码器.
TFExample protoco buffer 是从 keys (strings) 到 tf.FixedLenFeaturetf.VarLenFeature 的映射.
因此,为了解码 TFExample,必须提供一个从一个或多个 TFExample fields 到 tfexample_decoder 提供的每个 item 的映射.
例如,TFExamples 数据集可能保存了不同格式的图片,每个 TFExample 包含一个 encoding key 和一个 format key,用于采用相应编码器(jpg,png 等)来解码图片.

tfexample_decoder 通过指定 TFExample keys 到 tf.FixedLenFeaturetf.VarLenFeature 的映射,以及 ItemHandlers 集合来构建.
一个 ItemHandlers 提供了从 TFExample keys 到提供的 item 的映射.
由于一个 tfexample_decoder 可能返回多个 items,一般采用多个 ItemHandlers 来构建一个 tfexample_decoder.

tfexample_decoder 提供了一些预定义的 ItemHandlers,基本上可以处理 TFExamples 到图片images、TensorsSparseTensors 的大部分场合.

keys_to_features = {
    'image/encoded': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value=''),
    'image/format': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value='raw'),
    'image/class/label': tf.FixedLenFeature(
        [1], tf.int64, default_value=tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int64)),

items_to_handlers = {
    'image': tfexample_decoder.Image(
      image_key = 'image/encoded',
      format_key = 'image/format',
      shape=[28, 28],
    'label': tfexample_decoder.Tensor('image/class/label'),

decoder = tfexample_decoder.TFExampleDecoder(
    keys_to_features, items_to_handlers)

注,TFExample 采用三个keys 来解析:image/encodedimage/formatimage/class/label.
前两个 keys 映射到同一个 item - 即 images.
根据定义,该 data_decoder 提供了两个 items - 即 imagelabel.

<h2>4. 数据提供 Data Provision</h2>

data_provider 是一个类 - DataProvider(object),提供了每个请求 item 的 Tensors

my_data_provider = ...
image, class_label, bounding_box = my_data_provider.get( ['image', 'label', 'bb'])

dataset_data_provider 是一个 data_provider,从给定的 dataset 说明中提供数据.

dataset = GetDataset(...)
data_provider = dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider(
    dataset, common_queue_capacity=32, common_queue_min=8)

dataset_data_provider 可以设置参数控制数据提供:

  • 同时使用的 readers 数量
  • 数据加载到队列queue 时,是否打乱
  • 是否是单线程读取数据,或者无限读取数据


A DataProvider that provides data from a Dataset.
DatasetDataProviders provide data from datasets. 
The provide can be configured to use multiple readers simultaneously or read via a single reader.
Additionally, the data being read can be optionally shuffled.

For example, to read data using a single thread without shuffling:
  pascal_voc_data_provider = DatasetDataProvider(
  images, labels = pascal_voc_data_provider.get(['images', 'labels'])

To read data using multiple readers simultaneous with shuffling:
  pascal_voc_data_provider = DatasetDataProvider(
  images, labels = pascal_voc_data_provider.get(['images', 'labels'])

Equivalently, one may request different fields of the same sample separately:
  [images] = pascal_voc_data_provider.get(['images'])
  [labels] = pascal_voc_data_provider.get(['labels'])

from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import print_function

from tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.data import data_provider
from tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.data import parallel_reader

class DatasetDataProvider(data_provider.DataProvider):

  def __init__(self,
    Creates a DatasetDataProvider.
    Note: if num_epochs is not None,  local counter epochs will be created
    by relevant function. Use local_variables_initializer() to initialize local variables.

      dataset: An instance of the Dataset class.
      num_readers: The number of parallel readers to use.
      reader_kwargs: An optional dict of kwargs for the reader.
      shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data sources and common queue when reading.
      num_epochs: The number of times each data source is read. If left as None,
                             the data will be cycled through indefinitely.
      common_queue_capacity: The capacity of the common queue.
      common_queue_min: The minimum number of elements in the common queue after a dequeue.
      record_key: The item name to use for the dataset record keys in the provided tensors.
      seed: The seed to use if shuffling.
      scope: Optional name scope for the ops.
      ValueError: If record_key matches one of the items in the dataset.
    key, data = parallel_reader.parallel_read(

    items = dataset.decoder.list_items()
    tensors = dataset.decoder.decode(data, items)

    items_to_tensors = dict(zip(items, tensors))
    if record_key in items_to_tensors:
      raise ValueError('The item name used for record_key cannot also be '
                       'used for a dataset item: %s', record_key)
    items_to_tensors[record_key] = key

    super(DatasetDataProvider, self).__init__(
Last modification:October 9th, 2018 at 09:31 am