Github项目 - Mask R-CNN 的 Keras 实现 概括了整个项目. 这里分析 COCO 数据 - inspect_data.ipynb

这里根据源码里的次序, 逐步分析学习. 有利于深入了解 COCO 数据, 以及该项目的数据加载与处理过程.

  1. 导入相关库
# Mask R-CNN - Inspect Training Data 观察训练数据
#              数据加载和预处理的过程.

import os
import sys
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches

# 项目根目录
ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("../../")

# Import Mask RCNN 模块
sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR)  # find local version of the library
from mrcnn import utils
from mrcnn import visualize
from mrcnn.visualize import display_images
import mrcnn.model as modellib
from mrcnn.model import log
  1. 配置 COCO 数据集
# 配置数据集
# 选择 Shapes 数据集或者 COCO 数据集

# Shapes toy dataset
# import shapes
# config = shapes.ShapesConfig()

# MS COCO Dataset
import coco
config = coco.CocoConfig()
COCO_DIR = "/data/datasets/COCO/"

# 加载数据集
if config.NAME == 'shapes':
    dataset = shapes.ShapesDataset()
    dataset.load_shapes(500, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])
elif config.NAME == "coco":
    dataset = coco.CocoDataset()
    dataset.load_coco(COCO_DIR, "train")

# Must call before using the dataset

print("Image Count: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids)))
print("Class Count: {}".format(dataset.num_classes))
for i, info in enumerate(dataset.class_info):
    print("{:3}. {:50}".format(i, info['name']))

creating index...
index created!
Image Count: 82081
Class Count: 81
  0. BG                                                
  1. person                                            
  2. bicycle                                           
  3. car                                               
  4. motorcycle                                        
  5. airplane                                          
  6. bus                                               
  7. train                                             
  8. truck                                             
  9. boat                                              
 10. traffic light                                     
 11. fire hydrant                                      
 12. stop sign                                         
 13. parking meter                                     
 14. bench                                             
 15. bird                                              
 16. cat                                               
 17. dog                                               
 18. horse                                             
 19. sheep                                             
 20. cow                                               
 21. elephant                                          
 22. bear                                              
 23. zebra                                             
 24. giraffe                                           
 25. backpack                                          
 26. umbrella                                          
 27. handbag                                           
 28. tie                                               
 29. suitcase                                          
 30. frisbee                                           
 31. skis                                              
 32. snowboard                                         
 33. sports ball                                       
 34. kite                                              
 35. baseball bat                                      
 36. baseball glove                                    
 37. skateboard                                        
 38. surfboard                                         
 39. tennis racket                                     
 40. bottle                                            
 41. wine glass                                        
 42. cup                                               
 43. fork                                              
 44. knife                                             
 45. spoon                                             
 46. bowl                                              
 47. banana                                            
 48. apple                                             
 49. sandwich                                          
 50. orange                                            
 51. broccoli                                          
 52. carrot                                            
 53. hot dog                                           
 54. pizza                                             
 55. donut                                             
 56. cake                                              
 57. chair                                             
 58. couch                                             
 59. potted plant                                      
 60. bed                                               
 61. dining table                                      
 62. toilet                                            
 63. tv                                                
 64. laptop                                            
 65. mouse                                             
 66. remote                                            
 67. keyboard                                          
 68. cell phone                                        
 69. microwave                                         
 70. oven                                              
 71. toaster                                           
 72. sink                                              
 73. refrigerator                                      
 74. book                                              
 75. clock                                             
 76. vase                                              
 77. scissors                                          
 78. teddy bear                                        
 79. hair drier                                        
 80. toothbrush
  1. 随机显示图片样本
# 显示数据集样本

# 随机加载图片样本并显示
image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 4)
for image_id in image_ids:
    image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
    mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
    visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)

  1. 显示边界框 Bounding Boxes
# 显示边界框 Bounding Boxes
# 这里的边界框是根据 masks 计算得到.
# 以便于图片 resize, rotate, crop 等.
# 只需要根据 masks 计算边界框即可, 
# 而不是计算边界框的变换.

# 随机加载一张图片和 mask
image_id = random.choice(dataset.image_ids)
image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(mask) # Compute Bounding box

# Display image and additional stats
print("image_id ", image_id, dataset.image_reference(image_id))
log("image", image)
log("mask", mask)
log("class_ids", class_ids)
log("bbox", bbox)
# Display image and instances
visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
('image_id ', 66646, '')
image                    shape: (427, 640, 3)         min:    0.00000  max:  255.00000  uint8
mask                     shape: (427, 640, 4)         min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool
class_ids                shape: (4,)                  min:   57.00000  max:   63.00000  int32
bbox                     shape: (4, 4)                min:    2.00000  max:  541.00000  int32

  1. 图片 Resize
# 图片 Resize 

# Load random image and mask.
image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
original_shape = image.shape
# Resize
image, window, scale, padding, _ = utils.resize_image(image,
mask = utils.resize_mask(mask, scale, padding)
bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(mask)  # Compute Bounding box

# Display image and additional stats
print("image_id: ", image_id, dataset.image_reference(image_id))
print("Original shape: ", original_shape)
log("image", image)
log("mask", mask)
log("class_ids", class_ids)
log("bbox", bbox)
# Display image and instances
visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
('image_id: ', 22573, '')
('Original shape: ', (427, 640, 3))
image                    shape: (1024, 1024, 3)       min:    0.00000  max:  255.00000  uint8
mask                     shape: (1024, 1024, 27)      min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool
class_ids                shape: (27,)                 min:    1.00000  max:   25.00000  int32
bbox                     shape: (27, 4)               min:  221.00000  max:  832.00000  int32

  1. Mini Masks
# Mini Masks
# 对于高分辨率的图片, 其实例二值 masks 可能很大.
# 例如, 1024x1024 的图片, 单个实例 mask 需要 1MB 的内存
# (Numpy 采用 bytes 来表示 boolean 值.)
# 如果一张图片有 100 个实例, 将有 100MB 的 masks.
# 为了提高训练速率, 对 masks 进行优化:
#    - 保存在物体边界框内的 mask 像素, 而不是整张图片保存为一个 mask.
#     大部分物体相对于图片尺寸比较小, 因此, 可以避免保存物体周围的很多 0 值, 
#     以节省空间.
#   - Resize mask 到更小的尺寸,(如 56x56).
#     对于物体大于设定尺寸的, 可能会损失一部分精度.
#     但,大部分物体标注开始是不很精确的, 在实际应用中可以忽略这部分损失.
#     mini_mask 的尺寸可以在 config 类中定义.
# 根据示例,来测试 mask resizing 的效果.

image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
image, image_meta, class_ids, bbox, mask = modellib.load_image_gt(dataset,

log("image", image)
log("image_meta", image_meta)
log("class_ids", class_ids)
log("bbox", bbox)
log("mask", mask)

display_images([image]+[mask[:,:,i] for i in range(min(mask.shape[-1], 7))])

visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)

# Add augmentation and mask resizing.
image, image_meta, class_ids, bbox, mask = modellib.load_image_gt(dataset,
log("mask", mask)
display_images([image]+[mask[:,:,i] for i in range(min(mask.shape[-1], 7))])

mask = utils.expand_mask(bbox, mask, image.shape)
visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
image                    shape: (1024, 1024, 3)       min:    0.00000  max:  255.00000  uint8
image_meta               shape: (93,)                 min:    1.00000  max: 2910.00000  int64
class_ids                shape: (2,)                  min:   23.00000  max:   23.00000  int32
bbox                     shape: (2, 4)                min:  353.00000  max:  832.00000  int32
mask                     shape: (1024, 1024, 2)       min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool
mask                     shape: (56, 56, 2)           min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool

  1. Anchors
# Anchors
# Anchors 的次序是很重要的. 训练和预测阶段采用相同的次序. 且必须保持卷积执行的次序.
# 对于 FPN 网络, Anchors 的次序配置方式, 应尽可能的使 anchors 与卷积层的输出相匹配.
# 卷积层的输出预测了 anchor 的 scores 和偏移 shifts.
#  - 首先,根据金字塔层(pyramid level) 排序 anchors. 先是, 第一层所有的 anchors, 
#    再是, 第二层所有的 anchors, 依次. 这样更容易根据层来分离 anchors.
#  - 每一金字塔层内, 根据 feature map 处理顺序来排序 anchors. 典型地, 一个卷积层
#    是从左上角(top-left)开始对 feature map 处理, 一行一行地往右移动.
#  - 对于每个 feature map 单元, 对具有不同比率(ratios) anchors 任意选择排序方式.
#    这里, 与传递到函数的 ratios 次序一致.
# Anchors Stride 步长
# 在 FPN 结构中, 前几层 feature map 的分辨率比较大. 例如, 如果输入图片是 1024x1024,
# 则, 第一层 feature map 的分辨率是 256x256, 能够生成大概 200K anchors(256x256x3)
# 这些 anchors 是 32x32 像素的, 其步长相对于图片是 4, 因此会有大量的重叠.
# 如果对 feature map 内的每个其它单元cell 生成 anchors,可以明显地减少工作量.
# 例如, 步长 2 会把 anchors 的数量减少 4 倍.

# Generate Anchors
backbone_shapes = modellib.compute_backbone_shapes(config, config.IMAGE_SHAPE)
anchors = utils.generate_pyramid_anchors(config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES,

# Print summary of anchors
num_levels = len(backbone_shapes)
anchors_per_cell = len(config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS)
print("Count: ", anchors.shape[0])
print("Scales: ", config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES)
print("ratios: ", config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS)
print("Anchors per Cell: ", anchors_per_cell)
print("Levels: ", num_levels)
anchors_per_level = []
for l in range(num_levels):
    num_cells = backbone_shapesl * backbone_shapesl
    anchors_per_level.append(anchors_per_cell  num_cells // config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE*2)
    print("Anchors in Level {}: {}".format(l, anchors_per_level[l]))

# 可视化在某个特定层的 feature map 中心的单元格的 anchors.
# Load and draw random image
image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
image, image_meta, , _,  = modellib.load_image_gt(dataset, config, image_id)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
levels = len(backbone_shapes)

for level in range(levels):
    colors = visualize.random_colors(levels)
    # 计算在图片中心的 anchors 的索引
    level_start = sum(anchors_per_level[:level]) # 先前层的 anchors 相加和 sum of anchors of previous levels
    level_anchors = anchors[level_start:level_start+anchors_per_level[level]]
    print("Level {}. Anchors: {:6}  Feature map Shape: {}".format(level, level_anchors.shape[0],
    center_cell = backbone_shapes[level] // 2
    center_cell_index = (center_cell[0] * backbone_shapeslevel + center_cell[1])
    level_center = center_cell_index * anchors_per_cell
    center_anchor = anchors_per_cell * (
        (center_cell[0]  backbone_shapeslevel / config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE*2) \
        + center_cell[1] / config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE)
    level_center = int(center_anchor)

    # 画出 anchors. 
    # Brightness show the order in the array, dark to bright.
    for i, rect in enumerate(level_anchors[level_center:level_center+anchors_per_cell]):
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = rect
        p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2-x1, y2-y1, linewidth=2, facecolor='none',
                              edgecolor=(i+1)*np.array(colors[level]) / anchors_per_cell)
('Count: ', 261888)
('Scales: ', (32, 64, 128, 256, 512))
('ratios: ', [0.5, 1, 2])
('Anchors per Cell: ', 3)
('Levels: ', 5)
Anchors in Level 0: 196608
Anchors in Level 1: 49152
Anchors in Level 2: 12288
Anchors in Level 3: 3072
Anchors in Level 4: 768
Level 0. Anchors: 196608  Feature map Shape: [256 256]
Level 1. Anchors:  49152  Feature map Shape: [128 128]
Level 2. Anchors:  12288  Feature map Shape: [64 64]
Level 3. Anchors:   3072  Feature map Shape: [32 32]
Level 4. Anchors:    768  Feature map Shape: [16 16]

  1. Data Generator 数据生成
# Data Generator 数据生成

# Create data generator
random_rois = 2000
g = modellib.data_generator(dataset, config, shuffle=True, random_rois=random_rois,
                            batch_size=4, detection_targets=True)

# Uncomment to run the generator through a lot of images
# to catch rare errors
# for i in range(1000):
#     print(i)
#     ,  = next(g)

# Get Next Image
if random_rois:
    [normalized_images, image_meta, rpn_match, rpn_bbox, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes,
     gt_masks, rpn_rois, rois], [mrcnn_class_ids, mrcnn_bbox, mrcnn_mask] = next(g)

    log("rois", rois)
    log("mrcnn_class_ids", mrcnn_class_ids)
    log("mrcnn_bbox", mrcnn_bbox)
    log("mrcnn_mask", mrcnn_mask)
    [normalized_images, image_meta, rpn_match, rpn_bbox, gt_boxes, gt_masks], _ = next(g)

log("gt_class_ids", gt_class_ids)
log("gt_boxes", gt_boxes)
log("gt_masks", gt_masks)
log("rpn_match", rpn_match, )
log("rpn_bbox", rpn_bbox)
image_id = modellib.parse_image_meta(image_meta)"image_id"
print("image_id: ", image_id, dataset.image_reference(image_id))

# Remove the last dim in mrcnn_class_ids. It's only added
# to satisfy Keras restriction on target shape.
mrcnn_class_ids = mrcnn_class_ids[:, :, 0]

b = 0
# Restore original image (reverse normalization)
sample_image = modellib.unmold_image(normalized_images[b], config)

# Compute anchor shifts.
indices = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 1)[0]
refined_anchors = utils.apply_box_deltas(anchors[indices], rpn_bbox[b, :len(indices)] * config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV)
log("anchors", anchors)
log("refined_anchors", refined_anchors)

# Get list of positive anchors
positive_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 1)[0]
print("Positive anchors: {}".format(len(positive_anchor_ids)))
negative_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == -1)[0]
print("Negative anchors: {}".format(len(negative_anchor_ids)))
neutral_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 0)[0]
print("Neutral anchors: {}".format(len(neutral_anchor_ids)))

# ROI breakdown by class
for c, n in zip(dataset.class_names, np.bincount(mrcnn_class_ids[b].flatten())):
    if n:
        print("{:23}: {}".format(c[:20], n))
rois                     shape: (4, 200, 4)           min:    0.00000  max: 1023.00000  int32
mrcnn_class_ids          shape: (4, 200, 1)           min:    0.00000  max:    0.00000  int32
mrcnn_bbox               shape: (4, 200, 81, 4)       min:    0.00000  max:    0.00000  float32
mrcnn_mask               shape: (4, 200, 28, 28, 81)  min:    0.00000  max:    0.00000  float32
gt_class_ids             shape: (4, 100)              min:    0.00000  max:   76.00000  int32
gt_boxes                 shape: (4, 100, 4)           min:    0.00000  max:  832.00000  int32
gt_masks                 shape: (4, 56, 56, 100)      min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool
rpn_match                shape: (4, 261888, 1)        min:   -1.00000  max:    1.00000  int32
rpn_bbox                 shape: (4, 256, 4)           min:   -3.83894  max:    1.98054  float64
('image_id: ', 14422, '')
anchors                  shape: (261888, 4)           min: -362.03867  max: 1322.03867  float64
refined_anchors          shape: (10, 4)               min:  307.00000  max:  700.00000  float32
Positive anchors: 10
Negative anchors: 246
Neutral anchors: 261632
BG                     : 200
# Show positive anchors
visualize.draw_boxes(sample_image, boxes=anchors[positive_anchor_ids],

# Show negative anchors
visualize.draw_boxes(sample_image, boxes=anchors[negative_anchor_ids])

# Show neutral anchors. 不用于训练
visualize.draw_boxes(sample_image, boxes=anchors[np.random.choice(neutral_anchor_ids, 100)])

  1. ROIs
# ROIs

if random_rois:
    # Class aware bboxes
    bbox_specific = mrcnn_bbox[b, np.arange(mrcnn_bbox.shape[1]),
                    mrcnn_class_ids[b], :]

    # Refined ROIs
    refined_rois = utils.apply_box_deltas(rois[b].astype(np.float32),
                                          :4] * config.BBOX_STD_DEV)

    # Class aware masks
    mask_specific = mrcnn_mask[b, np.arange(mrcnn_mask.shape[1]), :, :,

    visualize.draw_rois(sample_image, rois[b], refined_rois, mask_specific,
                        mrcnn_class_ids[b], dataset.class_names)

    # Any repeated ROIs?
    rows = np.ascontiguousarray(rois[b]).view(
        np.dtype((np.void, rois.dtype.itemsize * rois.shape[-1])))
    _, idx = np.unique(rows, return_index=True)
    print("Unique ROIs: {} out of {}".format(len(idx), rois.shape[1]))

if random_rois:
    # Dispalay ROIs and corresponding masks and bounding boxes
    ids = random.sample(range(rois.shape[1]), 8)

    images = []
    titles = []
    for i in ids:
        image = visualize.draw_box(sample_image.copy(), rois[b,i,:4].astype(np.int32), [255, 0, 0])
        image = visualize.draw_box(image, refined_rois[i].astype(np.int64), [0, 255, 0])
        titles.append("ROI {}".format(i))
        images.append(mask_specific[i] * 255)

    display_images(images, titles, cols=4, cmap="Blues", interpolation="none")

# Check ratio of positive ROIs in a set of images.
if random_rois:
    limit = 10
    temp_g = modellib.data_generator(
        dataset, config, shuffle=True, random_rois=10000,
        batch_size=1, detection_targets=True)
    total = 0
    for i in range(limit):
        _, [ids, _, _] = next(temp_g)
        positive_rois = np.sum(ids[0] > 0)
        total += positive_rois
        print("{:5} {:5.2f}".format(positive_rois, positive_rois/ids.shape[1]))
    print("Average percent: {:.2f}".format(total/(limit*ids.shape[1])))
('Positive ROIs: ', 0)
('Negative ROIs: ', 200)
Positive Ratio: 0.00
Unique ROIs: 200 out of 200
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
    0  0.00
Average percent: 0.00

Last modification:October 9th, 2018 at 09:31 am