Semantic Soft Segmentation SIGGRAPH2018 论文开源了其测试实现,主要包括两个项目:特征提取和SoftSegmentation.
Github – SIGGRAPH18SSS – Semantic feature generator- 特征提取源码
Github – Semantic Soft Segmentation – 分割源码
1. 特征提取
Github源码 – SIGGRAPH18SSS
预训练 TensorFlow 模型
该项目主要是基于 deeplab_resnet 实现的特征提取过程,输出的是 128 维特征表示.
测试代码 -
from future import print_function
import os
import as sio
from glob import glob
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from parse_opt import get_arguments
from deeplab_resnet import HyperColumn_Deeplabv2, read_data_list
IMG_MEAN = np.array((104.00698793,116.66876762,122.67891434), dtype=np.float32)
Helper functions
def load_dir_structs(dataset_path):
# Get list of subdirs
# types = ('.jpg', '.png') # jpg is not supported yet by read_img()
types = ('*.png')
curflist= []
for files in types:
curflist.extend(glob(os.path.join(dataset_path, files)))
return curflist
def read_img(t_imgfname, input_size, img_mean):
"""Read one image and its corresponding mask with optional pre-processing.
input_queue: tf queue with paths to the image and its mask.
input_size: a tuple with (height, width) values.
If not given, return images of original size.
random_scale: whether to randomly scale the images prior
to random crop.
random_mirror: whether to randomly mirror the images prior
to random crop.
ignore_label: index of label to ignore during the training.
img_mean: vector of mean colour values.
Two tensors: the decoded image and its mask.
img_contents = tf.read_file(t_imgfname)
img = tf.image.decode_png(img_contents, channels=3)
img_r, img_g, img_b = tf.split(axis=2, num_or_size_splits=3, value=img)
img = tf.cast(tf.concat(axis=2, values=[img_b, img_g, img_r]), dtype=tf.float32)
# Extract mean.
img -= img_mean
if input_size is not None:
h, w = input_size
# Randomly scale the images and labels.
newshape = tf.squeeze(tf.stack([h, w]), squeeze_dims=[1])
img2 = tf.image.resize_images(img, newshape)
img2 = tf.image.resize_images(img, tf.shape(img)[0:2,]*2)
return img2, img
Main function
if name == "__main__":
args = get_arguments()
# Set up tf session and initialize variables.
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
model = HyperColumn_Deeplabv2(sess, args)
# Load variables if the checkpoint is provided.
local_imgflist = load_dir_structs(args.data_dir)
save_folder = os.path.join(args.data_dir, args.feat_dir)
if not os.path.exists(save_folder):
for i in range(len(local_imgflist)):
if os.path.splitext(local_imgflist[i])[1] == '':
print('{} Processing {}'.format(i, local_imgflist[i]))
padsize = 50
_, ori_img = read_img(local_imgflist[i], input_size = None, img_mean = IMG_MEAN)
pad_img = tf.pad(ori_img, [[padsize,padsize], [padsize,padsize], [0,0]], mode='REFLECT')
cur_embed = model.test(pad_img.eval())
cur_embed = np.squeeze(cur_embed)
curfname = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(local_imgflist[i])[0])[1]
cur_svpath = os.path.join(save_folder, curfname + '.mat')
# 保存特征为 mat 格式,用于 matlab 测试时加载提取的特征.
sio.savemat(cur_svpath, {'embedmap': cur_embed[padsize:(cur_embed.shape[0]-padsize),padsize:(cur_embed.shape[1]-padsize),:]})
2. SemanticSoftSegmentation
根据 论文 Semantci Soft Segmentation、论文阅读 - Semantic Soft Segmentation 和开源实现 SemanticSoftSegmentation.m 进行理解.
[1] - 特征降维,从 128 维特征降维到 3 维.
[2] - 超像素处理,用于计算 Superpixels.
[3] - 计算仿射变换和 Laplacian,包括:Matting Affinity,semantic affinity 和 non-local color affinity 以及 affinityMatrixToLaplacian.
[4] - 计算 Laplacian 的特征分解,得到 100 个特征向量(eigenvectors).
[5] - 初始化优化,主要计算初始化 soft segments,对特征进行语义初始化;关于深度网络提取的特征进行 Group segments.
[6] - 最终优化Final optimization,sparsification.
% Semantic Soft Segmentation
% This function implements the soft segmentation approach described in
% Yagiz Aksoy, Tae-Hyun Oh, Sylvain Paris, Marc Pollefeys, Wojciech Matusik
% "Semantic Soft Segmentation", ACM TOG (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2018
function [softSegments, initSoftSegments, Laplacian, affinities, features, superpixels, eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = SemanticSoftSegmentation(image, features)
disp('Semantic Soft Segmentation')
% Prepare the inputs and superpixels
image = im2double(image);
% --------------------------------------------------
% preprocessFeatures 函数,对应于论文的 3.5 - Semantic Feature Vectors 章节
% 主要是将深度网络提取的高维 128 维特征向量进行 guidedfilter, PCA 降维,并归一化值到 [0, 1].
% --------------------------------------------------
if size(features, 3) > 3 % If the features are raw, hyperdimensional, preprocess them
features = preprocessFeatures(features, image);
features = im2double(features);
% -------------------------------------------------
% Superpixels 函数,对应于论文 3.2 - Nonlocal Color Affinity 章节
% 主要是对图像进行 SLIC 超像素分割
% --------------------------------------------------
superpixels = Superpixels(image);
[h, w, ~] = size(image);
disp(' Computing affinities')
% -------------------------------------------------
% 计算图像image 的仿射变换,和 Laplacian.
% --------------------------------------------------
% Compute the affinities and the Laplacian
affinities{1} = mattingAffinity(image);
affinities{2} = superpixels.neighborAffinities(features); % semantic affinity
affinities{3} = superpixels.nearbyAffinities(image); % non-local color affinity
Laplacian = affinityMatrixToLaplacian(affinities{1} + 0.01 affinities{2} + 0.01 affinities{3}); % Equation 6
disp(' Computing eigenvectors')
% -------------------------------------------------
% 对得到的图像 Laplacian 计算特征分解,得到其特征向量和特征值.
% --------------------------------------------------
eigCnt = 100; % We use 100 eigenvectors in the optimization
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eigs(Laplacian, eigCnt, 'SM');
disp(' Initial optimization')
% -------------------------------------------------
% softSegmentsFromEigs 函数,对应于论文 3.4 - Creating the Layers 章节
% 用于初始化 soft segments.
% --------------------------------------------------
initialSegmCnt = 40;
sparsityParam = 0.8;
iterCnt = 40;
% 将特征向量,特征值,Laplacian,降维后的特征,
% 及其它参数,送入 softSementsFromEigs 函数.
initSoftSegments = softSegmentsFromEigs(eigenvectors, eigenvalues, Laplacian, ...
h, w, features, initialSegmCnt, iterCnt, sparsityParam, [], []);
% 对于初始化到的 initSoftSegments,
% 计算关于其语义特征向量,即降维后特征向量的分组分割(Group segments)
groupedSegments = groupSegments(initSoftSegments, features, 3); # 参数 3 表示最终得到的图像层数. 默认是 5.
disp(' Final optimization')
% -------------------------------------------------
% sparsifySegments 函数,对应于论文 3.4 - Creating the Layers 章节中的 relaxed sparsification.
% 用于最终的 sparsification,得到最终的分割结果.
% --------------------------------------------------
softSegments = sparsifySegments(groupedSegments, Laplacian, imageGradient(image, false, 6));
disp(' Done.')
开源的实现中确实还没有能达到实用级别的,毕竟抠图是很有盈利前景的,哪怕是在很小的垂直行业,抠图也是现阶段比较棘手的. 现在 最新的技术抠图效果进步明显,但应该离实用级别还有段距离.