Facebook 发布的 DensePose 效果确实再次令人惊艳,一如 Detectron.

Github - DensePose
HomePage - densepose.org

DensePose-RCNN 基于 Detectron 框架Caffe2.


论文里介绍了 DensePose-COCO 数据集,其是在 50K COCO 图片上手工标注的图片-表面(image-to-surface)对应的大规模数据集.

1. DensePose 安装

1.1. Caffe2 和 Detectron 安装

需要先安装 Caffe2 和 Detectron.


  • NVIDIA GPU, Linux, Python2
  • Caffe2,
  • numpy>=1.13
  • pyyaml>=3.12
  • matplotlib
  • opencv-python>=3.2
  • setuptools
  • Cython
  • mock
  • scipy
  • h5py
  • memory_profiler


  • Detectron Ops 还没有 CPU 实现,当前只支持 GPU 系统.
  • Detecton 在 CUDA8.0 和 cuDNN 6.0.21 上测试.

安装 Caffe2 和 Deterctron 是否成功:

# To check if Caffe2 build was successful python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import core' 2>/dev/null && echo "Success" || echo "Failure" # 输出:Success # To check if Caffe2 GPU build was successful # This must print a number > 0 in order to use Detectron python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import workspace; print(workspace.NumCudaDevices())' # 输出:1

1.2 DensePose 安装

[1] - 克隆项目:

# DENSEPOSE=/path/to/clone/densepose git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/densepose $DENSEPOSE

[2] - 安装 Python 依赖库:

sudo pip install -r $DENSEPOSE/requirements.txt

[3] - 设置 Python 模块,并测试 Detectron - SpatialNarrowAsOp test

cd $DENSEPOSE && make python2 $DENSEPOSE/detectron/tests/test_spatial_narrow_as_op.py

[4] - 创建自定义 Ops 库,并测试自定义 Op:

cd $DENSEPOSE && make ops python2 $DENSEPOSE/detectron/tests/test_zero_even_op.py


1.3. DensePose Docker 安装

因为需要用到 NVIDIA 显卡,需要安装 nvidia-docker,可参考:Docker - 基于NVIDIA-Docker的Caffe-GPU环境搭建

DensePose 提供的 Dockerfile.

# Use Caffe2 image as parent image FROM caffe2/caffe2:snapshot-py2-cuda9.0-cudnn7-ubuntu16.04 RUN mv /usr/local/caffe2 /usr/local/caffe2_build ENV Caffe2_DIR /usr/local/caffe2_build ENV PYTHONPATH /usr/local/caffe2_build:${PYTHONPATH} ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/caffe2_build/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # Clone the Detectron repository RUN git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/densepose /densepose # Install Python dependencies RUN pip install -r /densepose/requirements.txt # Install the COCO API RUN git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git /cocoapi WORKDIR /cocoapi/PythonAPI RUN make install # Go to Densepose root WORKDIR /densepose # Set up Python modules RUN make # [Optional] Build custom ops RUN make ops
  • 创建 DensePose 镜像:
cd $DENSEPOSE/docker sudo docker build -t densepose:c2-cuda9-cudnn7 .


sudo nvidia-docker run --rm -it densepose:c2-cuda9-cudnn7 python2 detectron/tests/test_batch_permutation_op.py

1.4. 下载 DensePose 数据

[1] - train/evaluate DensePose 数据:

cd $DENSEPOSE/DensePoseData bash get_densepose_uv.sh

[2] - 训练数据集 - DensePose-COCO dataset:

bash get_DensePose_COCO.sh

[3] - evaluation 数据:

bash get_eval_data.sh

1.5. COCO 数据集设置

datasets/data 创建 COCO 数据集链接:

ln -s /path/to/coco $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/coco

创建 DensePose-COCO 数据集链接:

ln -s $DENSEPOSE/DensePoseData/DensePose_COCO/densepose_coco_2014_minival.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/coco/annotations/ ln -s $DENSEPOSE/DensePoseData/DensePose_COCO/densepose_coco_2014_train.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/coco/annotations/ ln -s $DENSEPOSE/DensePoseData/DensePose_COCO/densepose_coco_2014_valminusminival.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/coco/annotations/

本地的 COCO 数据集 /path/to/coco 的组织形式应该类似于:

coco |_ coco_train2014 | |_ <im-1-name>.jpg | |_ ... | |_ <im-N-name>.jpg |_ coco_val2014 |_ ... |_ annotations |_ instances_train2014.json |_ ...

2. DensePose 的测试与训练

[[DensePose Model Zoo]](https://github.com/facebookresearch/DensePose/blob/master/MODEL_ZOO.md)

2.1. 利用 DensePose 预训练模型测试图片

类似于 Detectron.

预训练模型:end-to-end trained DensePose-RCNN model with a ResNet-101-FPN backbone.


python2 tools/infer_simple.py \ --cfg configs/DensePose_ResNet101_FPN_s1x-e2e.yaml \ --output-dir DensePoseData/infer_out/ \ --image-ext jpg \ --wts https://s3.amazonaws.com/densepose/DensePose_ResNet101_FPN_s1x-e2e.pkl \ DensePoseData/demo_data/demo_im.jpg
  • --wts - 指定的模型 URL,自动下载模型
  • --output-dir - 输出的可视化结果保存路径,包括三个文件,.jpg.pdf_INDS.png_IUV.png.

输出的两张 png 图片的可视化,可以参考 - DensePose-RCNN-Visualize-Results.ipynb

import numpy import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np im = cv2.imread('../DensePoseData/demo_data/demo_im.jpg') IUV = cv2.imread('../DensePoseData/infer_out/demo_im_IUV.png') INDS = cv2.imread('../DensePoseData/infer_out/demo_im_INDS.png', 0) # I, U 和 V images 可视化 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15,15]) plt.imshow( np.hstack((IUV[:,:,0]/24. ,IUV[:,:,1]/256. ,IUV[:,:,2]/256.)) ) plt.title('I, U and V images.') plt.axis('off') ; plt.show() # UV 场的等值线可视化 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,12]) plt.imshow( im[:,:,::-1] ) plt.contour( IUV[:,:,1]/256.,10, linewidths = 1 ) plt.contour( IUV[:,:,2]/256.,10, linewidths = 1 ) plt.axis('off') ; plt.show() # 人体前景FG mask 可视化 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,12]) plt.imshow( im[:,:,::-1] ) plt.contour( INDS, linewidths = 4 ) plt.axis('off') ; plt.show()


2.2. 利用 DensePose 预训练模型在测试数据集上

采用单张 GPU 测试,在 coco_2014_minval 测试数据集上:

python2 tools/test_net.py \ --cfg configs/DensePose_ResNet101_FPN_s1x-e2e.yaml \ TEST.WEIGHTS https://s3.amazonaws.com/densepose/DensePose_ResNet101_FPN_s1x-e2e.pkl \ NUM_GPUS 1

2.3. DensePose 模型训练

在 DensePose-COCO 数据集上进行模型训练.

DensePose 提供的预训练模型是采用 8 GPUs 进行的.

类似于 Detectron,DensePose 也采用线性缩放来适应不同的学习策略.

参考论文 - [Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour]()

基于 ResNet-50-FPN backbone 的 DensePose-RCNN 训练:

python2 tools/train_net.py \ --cfg configs/DensePose_ResNet50_FPN_single_GPU.yaml \ OUTPUT_DIR /tmp/detectron-output
Last modification:March 31st, 2021 at 04:01 pm