COCO Detection Evaluation

1. 评测指标定义

COCO 提供了 12 种用于衡量目标检测器性能的评价指标.


[1] - 除非特别说明,$AP$ 和 $AR$ 一般是在多个 IoU(Intersection over Union) 值间取平均值. 具体地,采用了 10 个 IoU阈值 - 0.50:0.05:0.95. 对比于传统的只计算单个 IoU 阈值(0.50)的指标(对应于这里的指标 $AP^{IoU=0.50}$),这是一种突破. 对多个 IoU 阈值求平均,能够使得目标检测器具有更好的定位位置.

[2] - $AP$ 是对所有类别的求平均值. 这在传统上被称为平均准确度(mAP, mean average precision). 这里并未区分 $AP$ 和 $mAP$(类似的,$AR$ 和$mAR$),假定从上下文中具有清晰的差异. 即:如,$AP^{50} = mAP^{50}$,$AP^{75} = mAP^{75}$,... 但,$AP^{50}$ 一定大于 $AP^{75}$.

[3] - $AP$ (所有 10 个 IoU 阈值和全部 80 个类别的平均值) 作为最终 COCO竞赛胜者的标准. 在考虑目标检测器再 COCO 上的性能时,这是单个最重要的评价度量指标.

[4] - COCO数据集中小目标物体数量比大目标物体更多. 具体地,标注的约有 41% 的目标物体是都很小的(small, 面积< 32x32=1024),约有 34% 的目标物体是中等的(medium, 1024=32x32 < 面积 < 96x96=9216),约有 24% 的目标物体是大的(large, 面积 > 96x96=9216). 面积(area) 是指 segmentation mask 中像素的数量.

[5] - $AR$ 是指每张图片中,在给定固定数量的检测结果中的最大召回(maximum recall),在所有 IoUs 和全部类别上求平均值. $AR$ 与 proposal evaluation 中所使用的相同,但这里 $AR$ 是按类别计算的.

[6] - 所有的评测指标允许每张图片(在全部的类别中)最多 100 个 top-scoring 检测结果进行计算.

[7] - 边界框(bounding boxes)的检测和segmentation mask 的所有评测指标是一致的,除了 IoU 的计算. 边界框的 IoU 计算是关于 boxes的 ,而 segmentation mask 的 IoU 计算是关于 masks 的.

2. 评测指标实现 - cocoeval


评测参数如 :(括号里的默认值,一般不需要修改.)


通过调用 evaluate() 函数和 accumulate() 函数来运行,以计算得到衡量检测质量的两个数据结构(data structures).

这两个数据结构分别是 evalImageseval,其分别每张图片的检测质量和整个数据集上的聚合检测质量.

数据结构 evalImages 共有 KxA 个元素,每个元素表示一个评测设置;而数据结构 eval 将这些信息组合为 precision 和 recall 数组. 具体如下:


Python 中的定义如:

__author__ = 'tsungyi'

import numpy as np
import datetime
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from . import mask as maskUtils
import copy

class COCOeval:
    # COCO 数据集的检测评估接口.
    # The usage for CocoEval is as follows:
    #  cocoGt=..., cocoDt=...       # load dataset and results
    #  E = CocoEval(cocoGt,cocoDt); # initialize CocoEval object
    #  E.params.recThrs = ...;      # set parameters as desired
    #  E.evaluate();                # run per image evaluation
    #  E.accumulate();              # accumulate per image results
    #  E.summarize();               # display summary metrics of results
    # For example usage see evalDemo.m and
    # The evaluation parameters are as follows (defaults in brackets):
    #  imgIds     - [all] N img ids to use for evaluation
    #  catIds     - [all] K cat ids to use for evaluation
    #  iouThrs    - [.5:.05:.95] T=10 IoU thresholds for evaluation
    #  recThrs    - [0:.01:1] R=101 recall thresholds for evaluation
    #  areaRng    - [...] A=4 object area ranges for evaluation
    #  maxDets    - [1 10 100] M=3 thresholds on max detections per image
    #  iouType    - ['segm'] set iouType to 'segm', 'bbox' or 'keypoints'
    #  iouType replaced the now DEPRECATED useSegm parameter.
    #  useCats    - [1] if true use category labels for evaluation
    # Note: if useCats=0 category labels are ignored as in proposal scoring.
    # Note: multiple areaRngs [Ax2] and maxDets [Mx1] can be specified.
    # evaluate(): evaluates detections on every image and every category and
    # concats the results into the "evalImgs" with fields:
    #  dtIds      - [1xD] id for each of the D detections (dt)
    #  gtIds      - [1xG] id for each of the G ground truths (gt)
    #  dtMatches  - [TxD] matching gt id at each IoU or 0
    #  gtMatches  - [TxG] matching dt id at each IoU or 0
    #  dtScores   - [1xD] confidence of each dt
    #  gtIgnore   - [1xG] ignore flag for each gt
    #  dtIgnore   - [TxD] ignore flag for each dt at each IoU
    # accumulate(): accumulates the per-image, per-category evaluation
    # results in "evalImgs" into the dictionary "eval" with fields:
    #  params     - parameters used for evaluation
    #  date       - date evaluation was performed
    #  counts     - [T,R,K,A,M] parameter dimensions (see above)
    #  precision  - [TxRxKxAxM] precision for every evaluation setting
    #  recall     - [TxKxAxM] max recall for every evaluation setting
    # Note: precision and recall==-1 for settings with no gt objects.
    # See also coco, mask, pycocoDemo, pycocoEvalDemo
    def __init__(self, cocoGt=None, cocoDt=None, iouType='segm'):
        Initialize CocoEval using coco APIs for gt and dt
        :param cocoGt: coco object with ground truth annotations
        :param cocoDt: coco object with detection results
        :return: None
        if not iouType:
            print('iouType not specified. use default iouType segm')
        self.cocoGt   = cocoGt              # ground truth COCO API
        self.cocoDt   = cocoDt              # detections COCO API
        self.params   = {}                  # evaluation parameters
        self.evalImgs = defaultdict(list)   # per-image per-category evaluation results [KxAxI] elements
        self.eval     = {}                  # accumulated evaluation results
        self._gts = defaultdict(list)       # gt for evaluation
        self._dts = defaultdict(list)       # dt for evaluation
        self.params = Params(iouType=iouType) # parameters
        self._paramsEval = {}               # parameters for evaluation
        self.stats = []                     # result summarization
        self.ious = {}                      # ious between all gts and dts
        if not cocoGt is None:
            self.params.imgIds = sorted(cocoGt.getImgIds())
            self.params.catIds = sorted(cocoGt.getCatIds())

    def _prepare(self):
        Prepare ._gts and ._dts for evaluation based on params
        :return: None
        def _toMask(anns, coco):
            # modify ann['segmentation'] by reference
            for ann in anns:
                rle = coco.annToRLE(ann)
                ann['segmentation'] = rle
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gts=self.cocoGt.loadAnns(self.cocoGt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds))
            dts=self.cocoDt.loadAnns(self.cocoDt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds))

        # convert ground truth to mask if iouType == 'segm'
        if p.iouType == 'segm':
            _toMask(gts, self.cocoGt)
            _toMask(dts, self.cocoDt)
        # set ignore flag
        for gt in gts:
            gt['ignore'] = gt['ignore'] if 'ignore' in gt else 0
            gt['ignore'] = 'iscrowd' in gt and gt['iscrowd']
            if p.iouType == 'keypoints':
                gt['ignore'] = (gt['num_keypoints'] == 0) or gt['ignore']
        self._gts = defaultdict(list)       # gt for evaluation
        self._dts = defaultdict(list)       # dt for evaluation
        for gt in gts:
            self._gts[gt['image_id'], gt['category_id']].append(gt)
        for dt in dts:
            self._dts[dt['image_id'], dt['category_id']].append(dt)
        self.evalImgs = defaultdict(list)   # per-image per-category evaluation results
        self.eval     = {}                  # accumulated evaluation results

    def evaluate(self):
        Run per image evaluation on given images and store results (a list of dict) in self.evalImgs
        :return: None
        tic = time.time()
        print('Running per image evaluation...')
        p = self.params
        # add backward compatibility if useSegm is specified in params
        if not p.useSegm is None:
            p.iouType = 'segm' if p.useSegm == 1 else 'bbox'
            print('useSegm (deprecated) is not None. Running {} evaluation'.format(p.iouType))
        print('Evaluate annotation type *{}*'.format(p.iouType))
        p.imgIds = list(np.unique(p.imgIds))
        if p.useCats:
            p.catIds = list(np.unique(p.catIds))
        p.maxDets = sorted(p.maxDets)

        # loop through images, area range, max detection number
        catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats else [-1]

        if p.iouType == 'segm' or p.iouType == 'bbox':
            computeIoU = self.computeIoU
        elif p.iouType == 'keypoints':
            computeIoU = self.computeOks
        self.ious = {(imgId, catId): computeIoU(imgId, catId) \
                        for imgId in p.imgIds
                        for catId in catIds}

        evaluateImg = self.evaluateImg
        maxDet = p.maxDets[-1]
        self.evalImgs = [evaluateImg(imgId, catId, areaRng, maxDet)
                 for catId in catIds
                 for areaRng in p.areaRng
                 for imgId in p.imgIds
        self._paramsEval = copy.deepcopy(self.params)
        toc = time.time()
        print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format(toc-tic))

    def computeIoU(self, imgId, catId):
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gt = self._gts[imgId,catId]
            dt = self._dts[imgId,catId]
            gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId,cId]]
            dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId,cId]]
        if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) ==0:
            return []
        inds = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dt], kind='mergesort')
        dt = [dt[i] for i in inds]
        if len(dt) > p.maxDets[-1]:

        if p.iouType == 'segm':
            g = [g['segmentation'] for g in gt]
            d = [d['segmentation'] for d in dt]
        elif p.iouType == 'bbox':
            g = [g['bbox'] for g in gt]
            d = [d['bbox'] for d in dt]
            raise Exception('unknown iouType for iou computation')

        # compute iou between each dt and gt region
        iscrowd = [int(o['iscrowd']) for o in gt]
        ious = maskUtils.iou(d,g,iscrowd)
        return ious

    def computeOks(self, imgId, catId):
        p = self.params
        # dimention here should be Nxm
        gts = self._gts[imgId, catId]
        dts = self._dts[imgId, catId]
        inds = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dts], kind='mergesort')
        dts = [dts[i] for i in inds]
        if len(dts) > p.maxDets[-1]:
            dts = dts[0:p.maxDets[-1]]
        # if len(gts) == 0 and len(dts) == 0:
        if len(gts) == 0 or len(dts) == 0:
            return []
        ious = np.zeros((len(dts), len(gts)))
        sigmas = np.array([.26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62,.62, 1.07, 1.07, .87, .87, .89, .89])/10.0
        vars = (sigmas * 2)**2
        k = len(sigmas)
        # compute oks between each detection and ground truth object
        for j, gt in enumerate(gts):
            # create bounds for ignore regions(double the gt bbox)
            g = np.array(gt['keypoints'])
            xg = g[0::3]; yg = g[1::3]; vg = g[2::3]
            k1 = np.count_nonzero(vg > 0)
            bb = gt['bbox']
            x0 = bb[0] - bb[2]; x1 = bb[0] + bb[2] * 2
            y0 = bb[1] - bb[3]; y1 = bb[1] + bb[3] * 2
            for i, dt in enumerate(dts):
                d = np.array(dt['keypoints'])
                xd = d[0::3]; yd = d[1::3]
                if k1>0:
                    # measure the per-keypoint distance if keypoints visible
                    dx = xd - xg
                    dy = yd - yg
                    # measure minimum distance to keypoints in (x0,y0) & (x1,y1)
                    z = np.zeros((k))
                    dx = np.max((z, x0-xd),axis=0)+np.max((z, xd-x1),axis=0)
                    dy = np.max((z, y0-yd),axis=0)+np.max((z, yd-y1),axis=0)
                e = (dx**2 + dy**2) / vars / (gt['area']+np.spacing(1)) / 2
                if k1 > 0:
                    e=e[vg > 0]
                ious[i, j] = np.sum(np.exp(-e)) / e.shape[0]
        return ious

    def evaluateImg(self, imgId, catId, aRng, maxDet):
        perform evaluation for single category and image
        :return: dict (single image results)
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gt = self._gts[imgId,catId]
            dt = self._dts[imgId,catId]
            gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId,cId]]
            dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId,cId]]
        if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) ==0:
            return None

        for g in gt:
            if g['ignore'] or (g['area']<aRng[0] or g['area']>aRng[1]):
                g['_ignore'] = 1
                g['_ignore'] = 0

        # sort dt highest score first, sort gt ignore last
        gtind = np.argsort([g['_ignore'] for g in gt], kind='mergesort')
        gt = [gt[i] for i in gtind]
        dtind = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dt], kind='mergesort')
        dt = [dt[i] for i in dtind[0:maxDet]]
        iscrowd = [int(o['iscrowd']) for o in gt]
        # load computed ious
        ious = self.ious[imgId, catId][:, gtind] if len(self.ious[imgId, catId]) > 0 else self.ious[imgId, catId]

        T = len(p.iouThrs)
        G = len(gt)
        D = len(dt)
        gtm  = np.zeros((T,G))
        dtm  = np.zeros((T,D))
        gtIg = np.array([g['_ignore'] for g in gt])
        dtIg = np.zeros((T,D))
        if not len(ious)==0:
            for tind, t in enumerate(p.iouThrs):
                for dind, d in enumerate(dt):
                    # information about best match so far (m=-1 -> unmatched)
                    iou = min([t,1-1e-10])
                    m   = -1
                    for gind, g in enumerate(gt):
                        # if this gt already matched, and not a crowd, continue
                        if gtm[tind,gind]>0 and not iscrowd[gind]:
                        # if dt matched to reg gt, and on ignore gt, stop
                        if m>-1 and gtIg[m]==0 and gtIg[gind]==1:
                        # continue to next gt unless better match made
                        if ious[dind,gind] < iou:
                        # if match successful and best so far, store appropriately
                    # if match made store id of match for both dt and gt
                    if m ==-1:
                    dtIg[tind,dind] = gtIg[m]
                    dtm[tind,dind]  = gt[m]['id']
                    gtm[tind,m]     = d['id']
        # set unmatched detections outside of area range to ignore
        a = np.array([d['area']<aRng[0] or d['area']>aRng[1] for d in dt]).reshape((1, len(dt)))
        dtIg = np.logical_or(dtIg, np.logical_and(dtm==0, np.repeat(a,T,0)))
        # store results for given image and category
        return {
                'image_id':     imgId,
                'category_id':  catId,
                'aRng':         aRng,
                'maxDet':       maxDet,
                'dtIds':        [d['id'] for d in dt],
                'gtIds':        [g['id'] for g in gt],
                'dtMatches':    dtm,
                'gtMatches':    gtm,
                'dtScores':     [d['score'] for d in dt],
                'gtIgnore':     gtIg,
                'dtIgnore':     dtIg,

    def accumulate(self, p = None):
        Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in self.eval
        :param p: input params for evaluation
        :return: None
        print('Accumulating evaluation results...')
        tic = time.time()
        if not self.evalImgs:
            print('Please run evaluate() first')
        # allows input customized parameters
        if p is None:
            p = self.params
        p.catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats == 1 else [-1]
        T           = len(p.iouThrs)
        R           = len(p.recThrs)
        K           = len(p.catIds) if p.useCats else 1
        A           = len(p.areaRng)
        M           = len(p.maxDets)
        precision   = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M)) # -1 for the precision of absent categories
        recall      = -np.ones((T,K,A,M))
        scores      = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M))

        # create dictionary for future indexing
        _pe = self._paramsEval
        catIds = _pe.catIds if _pe.useCats else [-1]
        setK = set(catIds)
        setA = set(map(tuple, _pe.areaRng))
        setM = set(_pe.maxDets)
        setI = set(_pe.imgIds)
        # get inds to evaluate
        k_list = [n for n, k in enumerate(p.catIds)  if k in setK]
        m_list = [m for n, m in enumerate(p.maxDets) if m in setM]
        a_list = [n for n, a in enumerate(map(lambda x: tuple(x), p.areaRng)) if a in setA]
        i_list = [n for n, i in enumerate(p.imgIds)  if i in setI]
        I0 = len(_pe.imgIds)
        A0 = len(_pe.areaRng)
        # retrieve E at each category, area range, and max number of detections
        for k, k0 in enumerate(k_list):
            Nk = k0*A0*I0
            for a, a0 in enumerate(a_list):
                Na = a0*I0
                for m, maxDet in enumerate(m_list):
                    E = [self.evalImgs[Nk + Na + i] for i in i_list]
                    E = [e for e in E if not e is None]
                    if len(E) == 0:
                    dtScores = np.concatenate([e['dtScores'][0:maxDet] for e in E])

                    # different sorting method generates slightly different results.
                    # mergesort is used to be consistent as Matlab implementation.
                    inds = np.argsort(-dtScores, kind='mergesort')
                    dtScoresSorted = dtScores[inds]

                    dtm  = np.concatenate([e['dtMatches'][:,0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds]
                    dtIg = np.concatenate([e['dtIgnore'][:,0:maxDet]  for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds]
                    gtIg = np.concatenate([e['gtIgnore'] for e in E])
                    npig = np.count_nonzero(gtIg==0 )
                    if npig == 0:
                    tps = np.logical_and(               dtm,  np.logical_not(dtIg) )
                    fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dtm), np.logical_not(dtIg) )

                    tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float)
                    fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float)
                    for t, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)):
                        tp = np.array(tp)
                        fp = np.array(fp)
                        nd = len(tp)
                        rc = tp / npig
                        pr = tp / (fp+tp+np.spacing(1))
                        q  = np.zeros((R,))
                        ss = np.zeros((R,))

                        if nd:
                            recall[t,k,a,m] = rc[-1]
                            recall[t,k,a,m] = 0

                        # numpy is slow without cython optimization for accessing elements
                        # use python array gets significant speed improvement
                        pr = pr.tolist(); q = q.tolist()

                        for i in range(nd-1, 0, -1):
                            if pr[i] > pr[i-1]:
                                pr[i-1] = pr[i]

                        inds = np.searchsorted(rc, p.recThrs, side='left')
                            for ri, pi in enumerate(inds):
                                q[ri] = pr[pi]
                                ss[ri] = dtScoresSorted[pi]
                        precision[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(q)
                        scores[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(ss)
        self.eval = {
            'params': p,
            'counts': [T, R, K, A, M],
            'date':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
            'precision': precision,
            'recall':   recall,
            'scores': scores,
        toc = time.time()
        print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format( toc-tic))

    def summarize(self):
        Compute and display summary metrics for evaluation results.
        Note this functin can *only* be applied on the default parameter setting
        def _summarize( ap=1, iouThr=None, areaRng='all', maxDets=100 ):
            p = self.params
            iStr = ' {:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} ] = {:0.3f}'
            titleStr = 'Average Precision' if ap == 1 else 'Average Recall'
            typeStr = '(AP)' if ap==1 else '(AR)'
            iouStr = '{:0.2f}:{:0.2f}'.format(p.iouThrs[0], p.iouThrs[-1]) \
                if iouThr is None else '{:0.2f}'.format(iouThr)

            aind = [i for i, aRng in enumerate(p.areaRngLbl) if aRng == areaRng]
            mind = [i for i, mDet in enumerate(p.maxDets) if mDet == maxDets]
            if ap == 1:
                # dimension of precision: [TxRxKxAxM]
                s = self.eval['precision']
                # IoU
                if iouThr is not None:
                    t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0]
                    s = s[t]
                s = s[:,:,:,aind,mind]
                # dimension of recall: [TxKxAxM]
                s = self.eval['recall']
                if iouThr is not None:
                    t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0]
                    s = s[t]
                s = s[:,:,aind,mind]
            if len(s[s>-1])==0:
                mean_s = -1
                mean_s = np.mean(s[s>-1])
            print(iStr.format(titleStr, typeStr, iouStr, areaRng, maxDets, mean_s))
            return mean_s
        def _summarizeDets():
            stats = np.zeros((12,))
            stats[0] = _summarize(1)
            stats[1] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.5, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[2] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.75, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[3] = _summarize(1, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[4] = _summarize(1, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[5] = _summarize(1, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
            stats[7] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[1])
            stats[8] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[9] = _summarize(0, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[10] = _summarize(0, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[11] = _summarize(0, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            return stats
        def _summarizeKps():
            stats = np.zeros((10,))
            stats[0] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20)
            stats[1] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5)
            stats[2] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75)
            stats[3] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium')
            stats[4] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='large')
            stats[5] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20)
            stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5)
            stats[7] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75)
            stats[8] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium')
            stats[9] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='large')
            return stats
        if not self.eval:
            raise Exception('Please run accumulate() first')
        iouType = self.params.iouType
        if iouType == 'segm' or iouType == 'bbox':
            summarize = _summarizeDets
        elif iouType == 'keypoints':
            summarize = _summarizeKps
        self.stats = summarize()

    def __str__(self):

class Params:
    Params for coco evaluation api
    def setDetParams(self):
        self.imgIds = []
        self.catIds = []
        # np.arange causes trouble.  the data point on arange is slightly larger than the true value
        self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.recThrs = np.linspace(.0, 1.00, np.round((1.00 - .0) / .01) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.maxDets = [1, 10, 100]
        self.areaRng = [[0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2], [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]]
        self.areaRngLbl = ['all', 'small', 'medium', 'large']
        self.useCats = 1

    def setKpParams(self):
        self.imgIds = []
        self.catIds = []
        # np.arange causes trouble.  the data point on arange is slightly larger than the true value
        self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.recThrs = np.linspace(.0, 1.00, np.round((1.00 - .0) / .01) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.maxDets = [20]
        self.areaRng = [[0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]]
        self.areaRngLbl = ['all', 'medium', 'large']
        self.useCats = 1

    def __init__(self, iouType='segm'):
        if iouType == 'segm' or iouType == 'bbox':
        elif iouType == 'keypoints':
            raise Exception('iouType not supported')
        self.iouType = iouType
        # useSegm is deprecated
        self.useSegm = None

3. 评测指标示例 - pycocoEvalDemo


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
import numpy as np
import as io
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0)

annType = ['segm','bbox','keypoints']
annType = annType[1]      # specify type here - bbox 类型
prefix = 'person_keypoints' if annType=='keypoints' else 'instances'
print 'Running demo for *%s* results.'%(annType)

#initialize COCO ground truth api
annFile = '%s/annotations/%s_%s.json'%(dataDir,prefix,dataType)

#initialize COCO detections api
resFile = resFile%(dataDir, prefix, dataType, annType)

imgId = imgIds[np.random.randint(100)]

# running evaluation
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt,cocoDt,annType)
cocoEval.params.imgIds  = imgIds


Running per image evaluation...      
DONE (t=0.46s).
Accumulating evaluation results...   
DONE (t=0.38s).
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.505
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.697
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.573
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.586
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.519
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.501
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.387
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.594
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.595
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.640
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.566
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.564

4. COCO 类


COCO 格式数据集的类:

__author__ = 'tylin'
__version__ = '2.0'

# API用于将 COCO 标注数据集 annotations 直接加载到 Python 字典.
# 还提供了其它辅助函数.
# 该 API 同时支持 *instance* 和 *caption* 的标注数据.
# 但,并未定义 *caption* 的全部函数(如,categories 暂未定义).

# API 中包含的函数如下:
# 其中,"ann"=annotation, "cat"=category, and "img"=image.
#  COCO       - COCO api class that loads COCO annotation file and prepare data structures.
#  decodeMask - Decode binary mask M encoded via run-length encoding.
#  encodeMask - Encode binary mask M using run-length encoding.
#  getAnnIds  - Get ann ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  getCatIds  - Get cat ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  getImgIds  - Get img ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  loadAnns   - Load anns with the specified ids.
#  loadCats   - Load cats with the specified ids.
#  loadImgs   - Load imgs with the specified ids.
#  annToMask  - Convert segmentation in an annotation to binary mask.
#  showAnns   - Display the specified annotations.
#  loadRes    - Load algorithm results and create API for accessing them.
#  download   - Download COCO images from server.

import json
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import numpy as np
import copy
import itertools
from . import mask as maskUtils
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[0]
    from urllib import urlretrieve
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve

def _isArrayLike(obj):
    return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__')

class COCO:
    def __init__(self, annotation_file=None):
        Constructor of Microsoft COCO helper class for reading and visualizing annotations.
        :param annotation_file (str): location of annotation file
        :param image_folder (str): location to the folder that hosts images.
        # load dataset
        self.dataset,self.anns,self.cats,self.imgs = dict(),dict(),dict(),dict()
        self.imgToAnns, self.catToImgs = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
        if not annotation_file == None:
            print('loading annotations into memory...')
            tic = time.time()
            dataset = json.load(open(annotation_file, 'r'))
            assert type(dataset)==dict, 'annotation file format {} not supported'.format(type(dataset))
            print('Done (t={:0.2f}s)'.format(time.time()- tic))
            self.dataset = dataset

    def createIndex(self):
        # create index
        print('creating index...')
        anns, cats, imgs = {}, {}, {}
        imgToAnns,catToImgs = defaultdict(list),defaultdict(list)
        if 'annotations' in self.dataset:
            for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:
                anns[ann['id']] = ann

        if 'images' in self.dataset:
            for img in self.dataset['images']:
                imgs[img['id']] = img

        if 'categories' in self.dataset:
            for cat in self.dataset['categories']:
                cats[cat['id']] = cat

        if 'annotations' in self.dataset and 'categories' in self.dataset:
            for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:

        print('index created!')

        # create class members
        self.anns = anns
        self.imgToAnns = imgToAnns
        self.catToImgs = catToImgs
        self.imgs = imgs
        self.cats = cats

    def info(self):
        Print information about the annotation file.
        for key, value in self.dataset['info'].items():
            print('{}: {}'.format(key, value))

    def getAnnIds(self, imgIds=[], catIds=[], areaRng=[], iscrowd=None):
        Get ann ids that satisfy given filter conditions. default skips that filter
        :param imgIds  (int array)     : get anns for given imgs
               catIds  (int array)     : get anns for given cats
               areaRng (float array)   : get anns for given area range (e.g. [0 inf])
               iscrowd (boolean)       : get anns for given crowd label (False or True)
        :return: ids (int array)       : integer array of ann ids
        imgIds = imgIds if _isArrayLike(imgIds) else [imgIds]
        catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]

        if len(imgIds) == len(catIds) == len(areaRng) == 0:
            anns = self.dataset['annotations']
            if not len(imgIds) == 0:
                lists = [self.imgToAnns[imgId] for imgId in imgIds if imgId in self.imgToAnns]
                anns = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lists))
                anns = self.dataset['annotations']
            anns = anns if len(catIds)  == 0 else [ann for ann in anns if ann['category_id'] in catIds]
            anns = anns if len(areaRng) == 0 else [ann for ann in anns if ann['area'] > areaRng[0] and ann['area'] < areaRng[1]]
        if not iscrowd == None:
            ids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns if ann['iscrowd'] == iscrowd]
            ids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns]
        return ids

    def getCatIds(self, catNms=[], supNms=[], catIds=[]):
        filtering parameters. default skips that filter.
        :param catNms (str array)  : get cats for given cat names
        :param supNms (str array)  : get cats for given supercategory names
        :param catIds (int array)  : get cats for given cat ids
        :return: ids (int array)   : integer array of cat ids
        catNms = catNms if _isArrayLike(catNms) else [catNms]
        supNms = supNms if _isArrayLike(supNms) else [supNms]
        catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]

        if len(catNms) == len(supNms) == len(catIds) == 0:
            cats = self.dataset['categories']
            cats = self.dataset['categories']
            cats = cats if len(catNms) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['name']          in catNms]
            cats = cats if len(supNms) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['supercategory'] in supNms]
            cats = cats if len(catIds) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['id']            in catIds]
        ids = [cat['id'] for cat in cats]
        return ids

    def getImgIds(self, imgIds=[], catIds=[]):
        Get img ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
        :param imgIds (int array) : get imgs for given ids
        :param catIds (int array) : get imgs with all given cats
        :return: ids (int array)  : integer array of img ids
        imgIds = imgIds if _isArrayLike(imgIds) else [imgIds]
        catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]

        if len(imgIds) == len(catIds) == 0:
            ids = self.imgs.keys()
            ids = set(imgIds)
            for i, catId in enumerate(catIds):
                if i == 0 and len(ids) == 0:
                    ids = set(self.catToImgs[catId])
                    ids &= set(self.catToImgs[catId])
        return list(ids)

    def loadAnns(self, ids=[]):
        Load anns with the specified ids.
        :param ids (int array)       : integer ids specifying anns
        :return: anns (object array) : loaded ann objects
        if _isArrayLike(ids):
            return [self.anns[id] for id in ids]
        elif type(ids) == int:
            return [self.anns[ids]]

    def loadCats(self, ids=[]):
        Load cats with the specified ids.
        :param ids (int array)       : integer ids specifying cats
        :return: cats (object array) : loaded cat objects
        if _isArrayLike(ids):
            return [self.cats[id] for id in ids]
        elif type(ids) == int:
            return [self.cats[ids]]

    def loadImgs(self, ids=[]):
        Load anns with the specified ids.
        :param ids (int array)       : integer ids specifying img
        :return: imgs (object array) : loaded img objects
        if _isArrayLike(ids):
            return [self.imgs[id] for id in ids]
        elif type(ids) == int:
            return [self.imgs[ids]]

    def showAnns(self, anns):
        Display the specified annotations.
        :param anns (array of object): annotations to display
        :return: None
        if len(anns) == 0:
            return 0
        if 'segmentation' in anns[0] or 'keypoints' in anns[0]:
            datasetType = 'instances'
        elif 'caption' in anns[0]:
            datasetType = 'captions'
            raise Exception('datasetType not supported')
        if datasetType == 'instances':
            ax = plt.gca()
            polygons = []
            color = []
            for ann in anns:
                c = (np.random.random((1, 3))*0.6+0.4).tolist()[0]
                if 'segmentation' in ann:
                    if type(ann['segmentation']) == list:
                        # polygon
                        for seg in ann['segmentation']:
                            poly = np.array(seg).reshape((int(len(seg)/2), 2))
                        # mask
                        t = self.imgs[ann['image_id']]
                        if type(ann['segmentation']['counts']) == list:
                            rle = maskUtils.frPyObjects([ann['segmentation']], t['height'], t['width'])
                            rle = [ann['segmentation']]
                        m = maskUtils.decode(rle)
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )
                        if ann['iscrowd'] == 1:
                            color_mask = np.array([2.0,166.0,101.0])/255
                        if ann['iscrowd'] == 0:
                            color_mask = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0]
                        for i in range(3):
                            img[:,:,i] = color_mask[i]
                        ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, m*0.5) ))
                if 'keypoints' in ann and type(ann['keypoints']) == list:
                    # turn skeleton into zero-based index
                    sks = np.array(self.loadCats(ann['category_id'])[0]['skeleton'])-1
                    kp = np.array(ann['keypoints'])
                    x = kp[0::3]
                    y = kp[1::3]
                    v = kp[2::3]
                    for sk in sks:
                        if np.all(v[sk]>0):
                            plt.plot(x[sk],y[sk], linewidth=3, color=c)
                    plt.plot(x[v>0], y[v>0],'o',markersize=8, markerfacecolor=c, markeredgecolor='k',markeredgewidth=2)
                    plt.plot(x[v>1], y[v>1],'o',markersize=8, markerfacecolor=c, markeredgecolor=c, markeredgewidth=2)
            p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolor=color, linewidths=0, alpha=0.4)
            p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolor='none', edgecolors=color, linewidths=2)
        elif datasetType == 'captions':
            for ann in anns:

    def loadRes(self, resFile):
        Load result file and return a result api object.
        :param   resFile (str)     : file name of result file
        :return: res (obj)         : result api object
        res = COCO()
        res.dataset['images'] = [img for img in self.dataset['images']]

        print('Loading and preparing results...')
        tic = time.time()
        if type(resFile) == str or type(resFile) == unicode:
            anns = json.load(open(resFile))
        elif type(resFile) == np.ndarray:
            anns = self.loadNumpyAnnotations(resFile)
            anns = resFile
        assert type(anns) == list, 'results in not an array of objects'
        annsImgIds = [ann['image_id'] for ann in anns]
        assert set(annsImgIds) == (set(annsImgIds) & set(self.getImgIds())), \
               'Results do not correspond to current coco set'
        if 'caption' in anns[0]:
            imgIds = set([img['id'] for img in res.dataset['images']]) & set([ann['image_id'] for ann in anns])
            res.dataset['images'] = [img for img in res.dataset['images'] if img['id'] in imgIds]
            for id, ann in enumerate(anns):
                ann['id'] = id+1
        elif 'bbox' in anns[0] and not anns[0]['bbox'] == []:
            res.dataset['categories'] = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset['categories'])
            for id, ann in enumerate(anns):
                bb = ann['bbox']
                x1, x2, y1, y2 = [bb[0], bb[0]+bb[2], bb[1], bb[1]+bb[3]]
                if not 'segmentation' in ann:
                    ann['segmentation'] = [[x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]]
                ann['area'] = bb[2]*bb[3]
                ann['id'] = id+1
                ann['iscrowd'] = 0
        elif 'segmentation' in anns[0]:
            res.dataset['categories'] = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset['categories'])
            for id, ann in enumerate(anns):
                # now only support compressed RLE format as segmentation results
                ann['area'] = maskUtils.area(ann['segmentation'])
                if not 'bbox' in ann:
                    ann['bbox'] = maskUtils.toBbox(ann['segmentation'])
                ann['id'] = id+1
                ann['iscrowd'] = 0
        elif 'keypoints' in anns[0]:
            res.dataset['categories'] = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset['categories'])
            for id, ann in enumerate(anns):
                s = ann['keypoints']
                x = s[0::3]
                y = s[1::3]
                x0,x1,y0,y1 = np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y)
                ann['area'] = (x1-x0)*(y1-y0)
                ann['id'] = id + 1
                ann['bbox'] = [x0,y0,x1-x0,y1-y0]
        print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s)'.format(time.time()- tic))

        res.dataset['annotations'] = anns
        return res

    def download(self, tarDir = None, imgIds = [] ):
        Download COCO images from server.
        :param tarDir (str): COCO results directory name
               imgIds (list): images to be downloaded
        if tarDir is None:
            print('Please specify target directory')
            return -1
        if len(imgIds) == 0:
            imgs = self.imgs.values()
            imgs = self.loadImgs(imgIds)
        N = len(imgs)
        if not os.path.exists(tarDir):
        for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
            tic = time.time()
            fname = os.path.join(tarDir, img['file_name'])
            if not os.path.exists(fname):
                urlretrieve(img['coco_url'], fname)
            print('downloaded {}/{} images (t={:0.1f}s)'.format(i, N, time.time()- tic))

    def loadNumpyAnnotations(self, data):
        Convert result data from a numpy array [Nx7] where each row contains {imageID,x1,y1,w,h,score,class}
        :param  data (numpy.ndarray)
        :return: annotations (python nested list)
        print('Converting ndarray to lists...')
        assert(type(data) == np.ndarray)
        assert(data.shape[1] == 7)
        N = data.shape[0]
        ann = []
        for i in range(N):
            if i % 1000000 == 0:
            ann += [{
                'image_id'  : int(data[i, 0]),
                'bbox'  : [ data[i, 1], data[i, 2], data[i, 3], data[i, 4] ],
                'score' : data[i, 5],
                'category_id': int(data[i, 6]),
        return ann

    def annToRLE(self, ann):
        Convert annotation which can be polygons, uncompressed RLE to RLE.
        :return: binary mask (numpy 2D array)
        t = self.imgs[ann['image_id']]
        h, w = t['height'], t['width']
        segm = ann['segmentation']
        if type(segm) == list:
            # polygon -- a single object might consist of multiple parts
            # we merge all parts into one mask rle code
            rles = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w)
            rle = maskUtils.merge(rles)
        elif type(segm['counts']) == list:
            # uncompressed RLE
            rle = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w)
            # rle
            rle = ann['segmentation']
        return rle

    def annToMask(self, ann):
        Convert annotation which can be polygons, uncompressed RLE, or RLE to binary mask.
        :return: binary mask (numpy 2D array)
        rle = self.annToRLE(ann)
        m = maskUtils.decode(rle)
        return m
Last modification:May 10th, 2019 at 10:45 am